It may seem like a difficult concept to grasp; at least it was for me for a long time until I finally stopped resisting. One of the biggest reasons why humans suffer is that we RESIST reality. Failure to ACCEPT life just as it is, rather than how we would like it to be, is creating havoc in our bodies and causing us to get sick. The sun rises in the east, and no matter how much you would like that to be different, you accept it. Note that acceptance does not mean that you just roll over. It simply means that you know this is a fact and you will work to change it if it is not beneficial to your TOTAL HEALTH and can be changed.
Humans have the fatal flaw of wanting what they want and wanting it now. We can all relate to EVE at some point in our lives. However, if we want to be totally healthy, we must get or make sure that we are spiritually healthy. Getting spiritually healthy requires us to be in alignment with God’s will for our lives. The first thing we as Christians need to fully embrace is that we have the greatest power residing within us; however, we can negate that power when we let ourselves get led by our flesh. Remember, despite our intelligence, we cannot see around the corners or know what is coming down the pike. Thus, it really is imperative that we learn to fully TRUST in Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit represents Jesus Christ and God for us believers. The Spirit is our companion, twenty-four seven. While at times we may forget this, especially when things are rocky, we are NEVER alone. Cry out to God, He always hears us, and he is our faithful and loving guide.
- The Holy Spirit is working constantly to transform us into the image of Christ
- The Holy Spirit helps us to understand Scripture
- The Holy Spirit will never fail us or forsake us
- We are convicted by the Holy Spirit when we sin
- The Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome temptation
- The Holy Spirit helps us to be obedient to the will of God
We have gotten caught up in the shiny things of this world. Our focus has shifted away from God, our creator. When this happens, we then try to solve our problems on our own. While things of this world may be beneficial in certain circumstances, we are to use them with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We no longer see the beauty of God in each other and nature, for we are no longer looking through the lens of love. We struggle to hear the quiet voice within us, because we have tuned Him out with our cell phones permanently making noise in our ears.
Walk in the spirit and if you have any doubt what that means, examine your story. Is your life manifesting the nine fruit of the spirit: faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, joy, kindness, patience, peace, and self-control? Remember, it is not about trying to control others or life, it is about having healthy boundaries for your TOTAL HEALTH. Also, remember, being too rigid is evidence that you are resisting and not flexible. We must learn to be able to bend with the changing winds, without compromising our life principles.
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