There is a story running around in your head about your excess weight. The issue with that story, when it is not grounded in truth and love, is that it causes you to frequently be in a disempowering state. When you are in this disempowered state, you are more likely to perpetuate the cycle of poor choices, which further compounds your excess weight.



There is nothing wrong with living by rules, except when they are no longer grounded in truth and love, or they are so restricting, they stifle your growth and potential. As a Christian, there are some rules that are absolute. As a human being no matter how hard we try, there are some rules we will break. If you claim you have never broken a rule, then you are not grounded in truth. When you set rules for your life, they must take into consideration your skills, your ability, and your level of intelligence and competence. Furthermore, you must make sure that your beliefs are not self-destructive. Finally, be fully grounded in the reality of your identity (you are a child of God, created for an amazing purpose, fully loved by your Heavenly Father, and you are always enough). Not by works are we saved, but by grace, love, and mercy. Not by works are you enough, but by grace, love, and mercy you were created enough.


I must admit that I struggled with unconditional self-love. I knew it intellectually, but I struggled to show it to myself. I had become that person who looked at myself with constant criticism and judgment. I had to take 100% responsibility and realize that my internal program was so corrupted that no matter what I said consciously, nothing was changing. The self in each of us is made up of many parts. We function in harmony when all the parts are lovingly integrated. Conversely, we struggle when some of the parts are not integrated harmoniously. Using myself as an example, here are some of my parts:

  1. The part of me that loves routine and structure
  2. The part of me that is meticulous
  3. The part of me that overindulges
  4. The part of me that loves tennis
  5. The part of me that loves extravagance
  6. The part of me that loves comfort
  7. The part of me that is serious
  8. The part of me that is impulsive and spontaneous
  9. The part of me that loves to travel
  10. The part of me that is extremely demanding

I could go on, but you get the idea. The whole being is made up of some healthy parts and some parts that enjoy dabbling in the not so healthy. The idea is to integrate all these parts in a loving way that allows you to function optimally. Finally, you must fully embrace all your parts and unconditionally love and accept every part of you if you desire to live your life at its highest level.


The problem is not realizing when the reason is no longer valid or has become obsolete. If there is a “problematic area” in your life that you have been struggling with, I propose there is strong likelihood, that some part of you is not harmoniously integrated. There is a part of you that you are denying or not accepting with unconditional love. Remember the power of love can transform and create internal harmony, which allows you to live abundantly and be totally healthy.
