
How You Deal With Your Emotions Impacts Your Health

For decades I did not deal effectively with my emotions. In fact, I spent the entire time ignoring, suppressing, or denying them. Fast forward to the twenty-first century when I came to realize I was creating the emotions and feelings that I was having trouble dealing with. Did you realize or know that people do not create your emotions and feelings? E + R = O.



We are emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, social, and financial beings. Every part of us contributes to our whole. When one part is not coping effectively or processing the external events effectively, the whole being, you, struggles. If one part continues to not cope effectively, with time, you notice a decline in your quality of life and your health. This is when dis-ease begins to manifest as diseases of the mind, heart, soul, and body.


We are using an outdated program to cope. Furthermore, we are using a program that was designed by a child, who lacked the cognitive ability to effectively process the external events. Consider that for a moment, a child is running your life. Ponder how a child will react in certain situations, and you begin to see why you create the emotions and feelings of fear, anxiety, overwhelm, and stress.


If you do not like the current condition of your life and health, then it truly is time to compassionately EXAMINE YOUR STORY. What is the mental framework that you live by? How do you think? What thoughts dominate your daily cogitation? What is the condition of your emotional landscape? Are there still emotions that you create that you are struggling to process? Is your landscape buried under unresolved emotional issues? There is NO undoing the past; however, you can STOP reliving it daily. The past is done. Like a glass of spilt milk, you cannot pick it up and change it. You can however make peace with it by accepting it and then allowing God to renew your mind, cleanse your heart, and purify your soul. Our past was meant to teach us valuable lessons, even the painful and not so nice experiences.


Babies and young children think and believe the world revolves around them. If you are still running a program created by a child, more than likely you are believing and thinking that the world revolves around you. Stop taking everything personal. While there will be things that are personal, most things going on around you have nothing to do with you. It is often the other person’s baggage that you are trying to pick up and carry. Deal with things that you have a hundred percent responsibility for. You are not responsible for anyone else’s emotional and feeling responses. They, like you must learn to cope more effectively with the emotions and feelings they create. Of course, in the process, they may be rude or not so considerate. Your ‘R’ should always be coming from a state and place of love and gratitude. Why? This is the response that allows you to maintain your joy, peace, and contentment. This is the response that allows you to live abundantly and be totally healthy.


Emotions and feelings are what get us to act. We act because we do not like the emotion or feeling we create. REMEMBER, you are creating that emotional and feeling state; therefore, you can change that state.

  1. Move to music.
  2. Change your body position or stance.
  3. Smile and laugh.
  4. Shout out, “I am a child of God, created for an amazing purpose.”

After you change your state, find the belief and dysfunctional pattern of thinking, and replace them with the truth and a healthy pattern of thinking.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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