
4 Blockers To Successfully Walking In The Spirit

The Christian life is not a static phenomenon. It is dynamic and ever changing. Despite the evidence, there are many forces working to derail the successful spiritual walk of every Chrisitan. Why do some Christians appear to be walking it better than others? I propose that they may be wiser and have identified these four blockers to success.



This should not come as a surprise. We are, each of us, involved in this process and we each bring our own unique perspective. We then fail to realize that despite the evidence, much of the time we are not acting on truth. Limited by our human senses and capabilities, we charge forward bolding only to run smack into a brick wall that will not move. That is when we begin to get an inkling that there is more going on behind the scenes, that we truly do not have control. At this point we can do one of three things:

  1. Give up, which is turning away from God.
  2. Trust God implicitly
  3. Keep beating our head against the wall (stubborn pride)


Despite our talents and creativity, we can find ways to creatively bury our talents in stupidity. How long will you keep beating your head against a wall that is NOT moving? How long will you keep using the same strategy or plan that has never worked despite your determination and the years you have been using the same strategy?


You may be employing these blockers consciously or subconsciously. Either way, they are still responsible for the condition of your life and health.

I: FEAR is a word every Christian should remove from their mainframe, their mind, heart, and soul. There is no fear with perfected love. Peter was walking on the water without any problems when he was focused on Jesus Christ. What happened when he shifted his focus from love, FEAR crept in, and he began to sink.

II: DOUBT is a close cousin of fear. Despite the numerous ways God has assured us that he cares and will provide, protect, comfort, and guide us, we still doubt. You do not have the assurance and confidence that God:

  • Will help you.
  • Can help you.

Doubt is the absence of trust; therefore, examine your core beliefs.

III: EXCUSES for why your life is in the current state or condition it is in. Often, you fail to take 100% responsibility for the choices you make and made. However, if we desire successful and sustainable changes in our health and quality of life, we must stop making excuses. “Excuses are our attempts to make disobedience and unhealthy behaviors more comfortable or acceptable.” Here is the truth, they do not work, they never work because we cannot run or hide from the truth. In the quiet of our home and our heart, we know the truth. We were and are culpable for the current condition of our health and the state of our life.

IV: LAZINESS, which may manifest as PROCRASTINATION

The next time you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself, “Am I being lazy because I am tired or is this another excuse for procrastination?” We can procrastinate for a bunch of reasons:

  1. There is truly a lot going on.
  2. You are truly tired.
  3. You do not know where to begin (you lack an effective plan or the necessary skills).
  4. You have created feelings of overwhelm.

It always comes down to this: “In any given moment what are you choosing?” Your choices will ultimately come down to what you WANT MOST in any given moment. Is what you want most in each moment to walk in the spirit?


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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