Change Occurs By The Actions We Take Consistently

You have heard this before, “actions speak louder than words.” What story are your actions telling the world about you? Folks, the aha moments in life are not usually grand; yet the impact of a simple realization can cause a massive shift in your perspective that leads to exponential growth and change. This was one of those aha moments for me. My aha moments tend to happen as I am drifting off to sleep or drifting into consciousness.



I focus on weight because that has been my struggle for decades; however, this concept applies to anything in your life that you want to change. While our beliefs, thoughts, patterns of thinking, emotions, and feelings all matter, in the end it comes down to the ACTION that we consistently take. A person can go around telling everyone that they want to be totally healthy, or they want to reduce their weight; however, the ACTION or actions that they consistently take contradict their statements. I wanted to reduce my weight and yet, I would consistently indulge in highly processed carbohydrates (namely cookies/pastries and ice cream). When your actions consistently contradict the words you speak, you must EXAMINE YOUR STORY. Furthermore, when you examine your story, you must be honest and show C.A.R.E.


Look for your domino belief, the one belief you have that if you change it, you will see exponential change in your life because all four pillars of your health will massively improve. Our beliefs can empower and inspire us or leave us in a weakened and unmotivated state physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even financially. Therefore, if you are not consistently taking positive action or action that moves you consistently towards your goal/objective, go back and examine your beliefs. Then challenge that belief with truth and unconditional love.


Our actions can tell a lot about us; however, is that story always the truth. Could we be acting from a state of lack instead of abundance because of our messed-up belief system? Yes! Many people are acting from a state of fear, which leaves them vulnerable to the temptations of their flesh, the world and the devil. Many people are also acting from a state of pain. Each of us must come to understand and realize that we must consistently guard our hearts, minds, and souls if we desire to consistently take action that is in alignment with our goal for total health. That is where the real challenge lies, to be consistent day in and day out. To be consistent moment by moment requires us to have an anchor that keeps us solidly grounded in truth and love. Here is the catch, my anchor is different from your anchor.


The anchor must be uniquely yours for it to be powerful enough to consistently keep you grounded in truth and love. The anchor must also keep you focused on the right path and inspire you to consistently act in healthy ways. Consider this for a moment, even though it may seem a bit drastic, many of us have thought about strangling someone when they ticked us off; however, most healthy people would avoid committing murder. Why? There is an anchor within them that keeps them grounded in truth and love. That anchor can be a belief, a mantra, a thought, quote, or a phrase. Find your anchor that is powerful enough to keep you on the path consistently towards TOTAL HEALTH.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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