The closest some humans come to unconditional love on this earth, is being exposed to the unconditional love of their parents. While you may think that every parent should love their children unconditionally, sadly that is not the case. Many people have children for the wrong reasons. I have often heard this comment, “Not because you are capable of producing an egg or a sperm, means you should be a parent”.


Most parents love unconditionally

Most good parents love their children unconditionally; however, that does not mean they never discipline their children. God’s love is always unconditional. Yet, loving someone unconditionally demands that you hold them accountable for their behavior and that is a tightrope that must be walked in any relationship. Knowing the right balance is essential for a healthy relationship.

Some parents do not love at all

I struggled for years to comprehend how a parent can love one child and hate the other. I tried to understand why my father did not love me even though I worked very hard to earn his love. Unfortunately, I will never know if I succeeded because he died suddenly and left a lot of unanswered questions..

Forgiveness bridges the hurt

Life continued, and I needed to process years of hurt to get to a place of acceptance and forgiveness. I finally accepted that I cannot change the past and I forgave my father for the years of suffering and pain he caused me. Why? Forgiveness is not only about the person who did wrong; forgiveness is about the spiritual health of the person who was hurt. You hinder your intimate relationship with God when you do not forgive those who have done you wrong, which prevents you from attaining spiritual health.

Forgiving is not condoning

Many people mistakenly believe that if you forgive someone you are condoning their bad behavior; however, that is not the case. You hold them accountable for their bad behavior, but you forgive them to prevent the Devil from gaining a stronghold in your life. Unforgiveness breeds resentment and bitterness, which creates a fertile field for the Devil to sow seeds of malcontent and other negative emotions. Pray to God to show you how to forgive those who have hurt you and forgive them so that you can fulfill your potential on this earth.
