Do you have a legal and ethical relationship of trust with your financial advisor? While that may seem like a naïve question to ask given the current nature of greed that exists in the world, there are still financial advisors who practice with integrity and a code of ethics.

Financial Advisor

When you choose someone to manage your money, you are entrusting that person to protect your assets. That person must act in good faith for your profit and not for their own greed. Many people believe that money is the root of all evil, I say GREED is the root of all evil. Money is a totally innocent bystander.

QUestion THE Advisor before making a decision

It may be difficult to ascertain if a financial advisor is trustworthy if you are meeting them for the first time; thus, when at all possible, try to go with an advisor recommended by someone whose values you trust. Even then, still interrogate that financial advisor to get a sense of their beliefs, values and work ethics.

Know your financial risk tolerance

Are you comfortable with taking risks?

Or, are you someone who has no interest in taking risks when it comes to your hard-earned money?

Perhaps you are a moderate risk taker? I interviewed six people when I was trying to find a financial advisor. I had been burnt terribly by my first financial advisor and you can imagine I was very skeptical that there was any advisor that I could trust. Add to that, I am not very good at taking financial risks so I really needed to make sure that the next advisor I chose was someone who was ethical, and would put my interests before his.


Know your financial goals ahead of your meeting with each financial advisor to make sure that their plans align with your financial goals. Take a list of your goals with you so you can quickly refer to them during your conversation.

Write down you questions so that you do not forget what is IMPORTANT to you, which can happen when you feel stressed or rushed.

your financial well-being is important to your TOTAL HEALTH

The NUMBER ONE stressor for Americans is their worry about money and finances. Thoroughly review all the facts and pray to God for guidance in your decision in choosing your financial advisor and then TRUST your instincts. Remember, that your emotional response is due to what you believe and think; therefore, check your beliefs for validity and truth.
