Why We Keep Making The Same Unhealthy Choices
You want to get healthy, and you know what needs to get done to be healthy; yet you keep making the same unhealthy choices. Your actions are not in alignment with your desires and values. Why?
Your Actions Are In Alignment With Your Feelings
Deep beneath the surface of your desires and values, lies an “unhealthy feeling about yourself” that keeps you from achieving what you desire most. By now, many of you know my story. I struggled to keep off the weight I lost. It took me ages to REALIZE that I was sabotaging myself because I had a negative feeling about myself, which by the way resulted from a negative thought about myself. You make the same choices because you keep thinking and feeling the same way.
Address The Problem From The Inside Out
Give yourself permission to be your best self. Stop limiting your potential because you do not know and can never even imagine the greatness God has in store for you. Trust in God’s will for your life. Focus on who God created you to be. Reframe or rewrite the narrative of the story you have been telling yourself. God has called you for something great and He does not make mistakes.
Allow God To Work Through You
I don’t know where my limiting belief came from. At first, I thought it was because of my childhood experiences that made me feel unworthy. Then I realized I had become brainwashed into believing I was not worthy because I was imperfect. Okay folks, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Do you think all those successful people in the world are perfect and living “sin free” lives? BINGO! We are all sinners; we are all imperfect human beings. What makes you think you are not deserving because you sin and are imperfect? That my dear friend is how something or someone is trying to prevent you from being GREAT! That is how something or someone is trying to prevent you from LIVING your full potential, from being the BEST version of your SELF.
Can You Handle Your Greatness?
Yes, you can, because if God has called you, He will equip you. Stop trying to predict the outcome. Stop saying I won’t take a step until I am certain. Take a step and TRUST in the greatest source of power and love, which will never steer you wrong. The thing I came to realize is that fear and love create the same feelings in your body. However, the frequency of love and fear are different. Love moves you forward with confidence and joy; while fear when it moves you forward, it’s often with uncertainty and trepidation. Love empowers and fear debilitates. Be boldly confident because He who has called you is greater than he who is deceiving you into playing small.
You Are Not Who You Think You Are!
That’s right folks! You are not your physical characteristics. You are not what’s in your bank account. You are not your profession or lack of profession. You are not a woman or a man. You are not black or white, you are a child of The Great I AM! That power resides in each of us. The only person preventing you from fully uniting with that power is you. The only person stopping that greatness is you. Stop thinking small and start thinking GREAT! God has placed the desire in you to be great, embrace it fully.