Excess Weight May Be A Sign Of Spiritual Misalignment

Something is out of alignment when it is either forced out of alignment or unintentionally nudged out of alignment over time. We did not gain the excess weight suddenly. It was a gradual occurrence, due to misalignment in our beliefs and thoughts/thinking patterns. Over time we have forced our bodies out of physical alignment because we are out of alignment spiritually. I realize that there are some conditions that predisposes one to gaining weight; therefore, this does NOT apply to people with those conditions.



The number one reason is that your behavior of using food to treat everything that ails you has become a habit. The problem with any habit is that over time, it requires more and more to feel better. It requires more and more to change your emotional state, which is really what you are trying to achieve with your action.

What you fail to REALIZE is that you are 100% responsible for creating your emotional state by what you believe, think, and do.


You do not want to believe the truth because deep down inside, there is a benefit that you gain that is more valuable to you than believing the truth. A truth that many fail to realize and accept is that IF you could have done better you would have done better. Yet, therein lies the rub, you could have done better if you remembered that you have the greatest power dwelling within you. On our own, we cannot do better; however, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we are strengthened and empowered to be better and make healthier choices. You can control your flesh.


Another fallacy about losing weight is that you have to do better. Change is less about do and more about be. Being better does not in any way imply perfection. Be better means, be better to yourself. 4 ways we can be better to ourselves:

  1. Stop running away from you
  2. Look in the mirror into your eyes with unconditional love
  3. See that person and accept her 100%
  4. Listen without criticism and judgment [mindful]

The easiest way to run from yourself is by creating emotions that cause you to shift your focus from self to your emotional state. Interestingly, you keep forgetting that you are 100% responsible for creating your emotions [emotional state].


For starters if you took the time to stop and listen, you may realize that your NEEDS are not being met. Here is the catch, you are afraid that in order to get your needs met you will have to change something in your life and what scares most people more than anything else? CHANGE!

Note what crops up in your body the minute you think about being still.

  1. Did your heart start beating faster?
  2. What about your breathing?
  3. Did your mind go on over drive?
  4. Did your palms get sweaty?

Why does the idea of being still scare you so much? It scares you because it is a signal that you will finally have to BE with yourself! Thus, the real question is, Why are you so afraid of being with yourself?  You are so afraid, you would rather develop a weight problem, some addictive behavior, or some medical disease than being STILL with you. Why? Get back in alignment spiritually, love the person God created you to be, accept that person 100%, and allow God to work in and through you.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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