Change Your Reaction To Your Emotional State And Lose Weight

For decades I thought my issue was excess weight. However, my issues were really a lack of emotional sobriety and dysfunctional patterns of thinking. Yet there was a deeper cause, and that was my lack of understanding about the IMPACT of spiritual misalignment. You see, what we perceive as the issue is really a symptom of the real issue. For example, Paul goes on alcoholic binges that start on Fridays and ends on Mondays. While you may think that Paul’s issue is abuse of alcohol, that is just a symptom of his deeper issue. Thus, the FIRST step if you want to make a successful change in any area of your life, is to get clear on what is the ROOT CAUSE of your symptom.



They both have a feeling of dis-ease which manifests psychologically, spiritually, and physically. Behind every feeling are some patterns of thinking and thoughts. Behind every thought are beliefs. When we have erroneous limiting beliefs, dysfunctional patterns of thinking, and toxic thoughts, we will create feelings. When we lack emotional sobriety, we will act on those created feelings in unhealthy ways. Our belief system is the bedrock of our spirituality, which gets expressed in the state of our spiritual health and depends on the condition of our spiritual foundation. How strong is your faith in Jesus Christ? The condition of our spiritual foundation depends on the strength of our faith, an understanding of the truth of God’s love, and trust in His will and providence.


  1. The hard foundation [no faith and lacks understanding]
  2. Stony foundation [weak faith and no depth in comprehension]
  3. Thorny foundation [ stronger faith, but gets distracted by the cares of the world]
  4. Good foundation [strongest faith and fully understands]


If you do not fully understand and believe that God created you and trust that He has an amazing purpose and plan for your life, you will struggle with erroneous limiting beliefs. When our beliefs about ourselves in relation to a Higher Spiritual power are erroneous and limiting in nature, they throw us out of spiritual alignment. When we are out of spiritual alignment, we will act in ways that are unhealthy. Thus, it can be said that unhealthy behaviors are indicative of spiritual misalignment. Again, an occasional unhealthy action is not an issue, for no one is perfect; however, if we consistently CHOOSE unhealthy actions, we will bear an unhealthy quality of life and health results.


If you genuinely want to be totally healthy, you must STOP reacting to your emotional state with destructive patterns of behavior. Instead, learn to BE STILL and ask yourself:

  1. Why am I creating this emotion/feeling right now?
  2. Which need of mine is not being met or threatened by the given situation?
  3. Is my belief grounded in truth?
  4. Will I gain what I value MOST if I keep choosing this behavior?
  5. Why am I unwilling to say ‘NO’?
  6. Am I HURTING someone I love with my unhealthy behaviors?
  7. Am I trying to CONTROL something over which I have no control?
  8. Am I trusting God and being patient on His timing?

At some point, we all get to a place in life where we have to decide. Do we continue down this path of poor health and quality of life or do we choose a healthier path? I think most people would choose better health and quality of life; yet many lack belief, drive, and consistency.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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