You Can Have All The Tools And Still Not Succeed

Everyone knows how to lose weight. You have gained knowledge from your own personal experience as well as learning from others that have lost the weight and kept it off. Yet, you still have not succeeded in losing the weight. Does that frustrate you? Are you wondering what’s wrong with you? If you are still beating yourself up, please stop. While losing weight is simple, it is not easy because there are a ton of variables that come into play.



The first thing I finally realized was that it is not what you do that is getting you in trouble, it is how you BE. For ultimately it is how we BE that influences what we DO. How we BE is all about our internal milieu. What is going on INSIDE your heart, mind, and soul gets manifested in your physical appearance. Being at peace with yourself is essential, because if you are not at peace with yourself, you are at war with self and others. War is chaos and confusion, cortisol and adrenaline, which we know are all detrimental to our health. BE loving and compassionate to your ‘self.’ If you are carrying around some extra body fat ask yourself why?

  1. Why are you tolerating the excess fat?
  2. Why are you unable to let it go?
  3. Why are you believing what you are believing about your ‘self’ and the extra fat?
  4. Why are you thinking what you are thinking?
  5. Why are these patterns repeating themselves?
  6. Why are you NOT accepting and loving yourself unconditionally now?


I will say that an approach can work, if you work it with the right M.A.P. and a properly functioning G.P.S. However, there are a few vital ingredients that must be added for things to gel and for you to have sustainable weight loss. I call them the 4 C’s of success:

  1. CLARITY: without clarity about why accomplishing weight loss in important, you are likely to lose your momentum along the way and fall back into your unhealthy patterns. What makes losing weight so frustrating is that it TAKES TIME. Clarity helps you to BE patient.
  2. COMMITMENT: you must be 100% committed to achieving your goal, which implies that you are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal. Your commitment to your success is enhanced when you have CLARITY about ‘Why?’
  3. CONFIDENCE: is a knowing that it is already done. Confidence is a belief that you can, and nothing can or will stop you. Confidence is a belief in your capability to do the hard work and stay the course, when things plateau. Confidence is trusting the power within you to do what you cannot do on your own.
  4. CONSISTENCY: stay the course by consistently taking the small healthy step, moment by moment, which will build you a NEW and healthy lifestyle that you can sustain. Be realistic, don’t plan to run three miles a day when you can barely walk the two blocks to your grocery store. Begin with being consistent with walking two blocks daily.

Did I say CLARITY, have clarity about yourself. Know what you absolutely will NOT do. Have clarity about when you are MOST VULNERABLE. Have clarity about your NEEDS. Finally, have clarity about your P.I.C. Thus, you begin to see how important CLARITY is to your total health. Therefore, make and take the time to gain clarity before you begin.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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