Are You Ready To Give Up On Achieving Your Goal?

Sometimes it can be so frustrating when you have put in the work, and you still have no results to show for all your effort. That can be quite upsetting and can also sap your energy and leave you feeling discouraged. However, here is an approach that will re-energize you and keep you going until you accomplish your goal.



It is important to know ‘Why?’ achieving this goal is so important to you. You will lose your momentum if you do not have a convincing and unwavering ‘Why?’ Then you must have clarity about the reality that there will be road bumps along the way. There may even be plateaus or naysayers. You may be the biggest obstacle to your own success because of what you are believing and thinking. Furthermore, if you are not yet aware, how you choose to cope with your emotions may be the primary reason you are not achieving your goal. Then again, sometimes we are holding on too tightly, which leaves us tense and stressed all day long.


It is knowing that it is already a reality before it is a reality. It is acting as if and fully committed to living that if. Then it is trusting that you will do the work and take the steps to accomplish your goal. Be patient, remember, this is NOT a quick fix. This is your new lifestyle. Settle into your healthy routines by taking consistent baby steps daily. Show yourself some daily C.A.R.E. I know it is frustrating when you are trying to reduce your weight; however, break it down into bite sized pieces. Shift your focus to being healthy moment-by-moment. In this moment:

  1. What am I going to believe that lifts me up and empowers me?
  2. How will I think that energizes me and keeps me motivated?
  3. What feelings will I create that inspire me to be the best version of me?
  4. How will I act in this moment that will keep me moving towards my goal?

When you realize that it has always been within your power, you will begin to take back your power and choose to be your BEST you in every moment.


The new you has a new attitude and thinks differently. The new you have upgraded their belief system with the truth. The new you is no longer denying reality but has taken 100% responsibility for your choices. You make healthier choices because the new you knows that healthy demands a grateful and gracious attitude, an accepting mindset, and daily habits and practices that foster continued health and positive growth. We all reap what we sow. As much as we would like this not to be true, it is a fundamental principle of life. Therefore, if you are not happy with your life, take the time to examine honestly and compassionately what you have been sowing or continue to sow daily. You cannot hold on to the old you if you want to have a new and healthier you. You must lose the unhealthy habits that you have become attached to, or you will remain stuck with the unhealthy life you are continuing to choose daily by your actions.


  • Is your goal a priority?
  • Have you established your convincing ‘WHY?’
  • Are you ready to be consistent daily with the healthy choices?
  • Have you gained clarity about your NEEDS?
  • Do you have healthy options and activities to replace the unhealthy habits that caused the excess body fat?
  • Do you have a set of pattern interrupters?
  • Do you believe you will succeed this time?
  • Are you finally ready to trust the power within?


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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