Shifting Your Focus Is An Important Step In Your Weight Reduction Journey

You may think you cannot focus on anything other than your weight; however, I am sure that you know that what we FOCUS on, we will eventually gain. If your focus is on your weight issue, you will no doubt be having thoughts and holding on to beliefs that are causing you to create emotions and feelings, which ultimately leave you defaulting back to unhealthy habits and sabotaging your weight reduction goal.



Perhaps you consistently ate more than you should or ate too frequently. You may have also ate foods that are prone to cause inflammatory responses, which led to your weight gain. It is also possible that you lead a sedentary lifestyle, and rarely moved your body enough to meet your physicals needs. Here is the one thing you must understand: eating is by its very nature something everyone does in response to a feeling. Therefore, you need to be mindful of what you are feeling when you choose to put food into your mouth.


It is therefore important to learn to examine your feelings and be MINDFUL of how you choose to respond. It is also important to REMEMBER that you are 100% responsible for creating those feelings that cause you to run to food when there is no physiological hunger. Instead, learn to recognize that the hunger you are feeding may be spiritual, emotional, mental, or even financial. There is something that you are hungering for, and you MUST discover what that is. Then you must respond in appropriate ways to that hunger. The ONLY response to physiological hunger is food. FOOD will never satisfy any other hunger. This is why you may find that no matter how much you eat, you do not feel satisfied, despite the fact that your stomach is full or bursting with the excess food you have consumed. Be mindful of dehydration and fatigue as they may cause you to reach for food.


At some point you must realize that carrying around excess weight is due to many factors: how you think and act [mental]; what you believe [spiritual]; how you feel [emotional]; the state of your finances [financial]; a lack of movement or adequate sleep/rest [physical]; and in rare instances, certain genetic conditions. You may have all these factors coming into play in your weight loss struggle, or maybe it is one or two factors that you need to gain clarity about. FOUR pieces of advice that finally worked for me:

  1. Be mindful of the emotional state you are in and recognize that you are using food to combat the emotions and feelings you are creating.
  2. Understand that emotions and feelings are indicator lights that something is out of alignment [unhealthy thinking or beliefs that are not grounded in truth and love].
  3. Reducing your weight involves your entire body; therefore, you have to examine the health of your four pillars [spiritual, physical, psychological, and financial].
  4. Finally, get healthy spiritually first and the rest will follow. This results in a renewal of your mind, which leads to right thinking. Also, you start living in and from a state of abundance, which leaves feeling fulfilled and satisfied. You have maximum jopeco level and respond consistently from a state of love, instead of fear.

If you are being consistent daily with the small healthy steps, you will eventually achieve your goal and keep the shed weight off.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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