What is your current state?
1. Spiritually aligned and empowered
2. Mentally cogent
3. Physically fit and optimized
4. Emotionally sober/resilient
A healthy body is worth more than fifty million in your bank account.
These articles provide insight and support to help you improve your physical health.
How To Make Sustainable Lifestyle Changes Easier
Take these steps if you have been struggling to make sustainable lifestyle changes.
Stop FOCUSING On A Diet, Instead Focus On Being Healthy
Understand what MUST change inside for you to manifest health on the outside.
I Must Go To A Gym To Lose Weight – MYTH
You have control over your mind – the question is how to renew your mind to achieve sustainable weight reduction.
Are You Tired Of Dieting?
When something is important enough, we will ALWAYS find a way, if not we will continue to make excuses. Is reducing your weight important enough for you to find a way to keep it off?
How Our Needs Impact Our Weight
Become AWARE of your NEEDS. Understand your NEEDS. ACCEPT you have NEEDS and MEET your needs in healthy ways.