Food has become our D.O.C. when we have emotional, mental, financial, physical, or spiritual needs. Understand, that eating food is the appropriate response ONLY for physiological hunger.
A healthy body is worth more than fifty million in your bank account.
These articles provide insight and support to help you improve your physical health.
Stop Eating Because You Are Bored
Feeling bored, get up and go for a walk, talk on the phone, go back to sleep, pray to God, or get your finances in order. Whatever you do, do not use food to neutralize your emotions.
Things You Should Know To Lose Weight
Do you know D.FAQs about losing weight? There is no one approach to losing weight; however, there are things everyone should know about being healthy.
Resist the Urge To Give Into Temptation
Resist the urge to reach for extra food by knowing that you are responding to a feeling you created based on your core beliefs and patterns of thinking.
Why We Struggle To Lose Weight
If you are struggling to lose weight, pay attention to the 4-W’s of weight issues. Also, know that it is time to UNDERSTAND what your emotional feelings are TRYING to teach you.
Love Is The Glue That Makes Change Sustainable
What we WANT on a conscious level, may not be what we BELIEVE we deserve on a subconscious level.