Unfortunately, the burden of being unhealthy is not only financial. As the cost of being unhealthy mounts, it causes you to stress. This added worry about money takes an additional toll emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

It would be so wonderful if you could just snap your fingers and make it all go away. However, that is not realistic; you begin the process of minimizing the burden by
The current status of your health is the result of the choices you have made and are making daily. As painful as that may be to accept, you have to own it. Before you begin to respond with negative thoughts, emotions and feelings, remember, we all make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and start by making a healthier choice right now.
- Use what you learned to make a plan that better serves your health
When you decide that you want to improve the health and quality of your life, you have to then figure out how best to accomplish this goal. Thus, it is important to get correct and accurate information. Be compassionate and realistic as you design your plan of attack. Remember, small and consistent daily steps will serve you better in the long run [set S.M.A.R.T. goals].
- Realize to be healthier you will have to change some habits
The idea of change can often create emotions within that cause you to feel threatened, afraid, or worried. Understand that you are losing the unhealthy lifestyle but gaining the healthier you.

You will also have positive gains in your finances, as you save money.
- No longer buying expensive medications or buying less medications
- Not having to pay doctor bills that are not covered by your insurance
- No longer needing to spend money on transportation
- Avoid the cost of spending money on ancillary and mental health care
Such good advice and so timely. Thank you.
You are welcome. We can often get overwhelmed with the size of the obstacle [the big picture]; however, when you break it down into manageable pieces [take smaller bites/one problem at a time], before you know you have made great strides towards getting healthier financially.