For forty years, I struggled to accept myself. It was not that someone told me directly that something was wrong with me. Rather, it was me as a child interpreting my life experiences to mean that something must be wrong with me. Sadly, I spent decades not accepting me and created a reality that almost destroyed the real me.
Our beliefs, healthy or unhealthy, become our reality, especially when we have dysfunctional patterns of thinking. Then to compound the issue we often become addicted to unhealthy behaviors to numb the unrelenting pain of our beliefs, which frequently leads to the development of psychological or physical issues. The result is often you creating an increased feeling of distress. I hope you have not forgotten that all your emotions and feelings are one hundred percent created by you. We always have a choice, we can continue as we have been, staying unhealthy, or we can begin the process of regaining our TOTAL HEALTH one step at a time. However, this is where many people get stuck, because they no longer believe.
You no longer believe you deserve to be healthy because you have messed things up so badly; therefore, you think this is exactly what you deserve. You no longer believe you can change for after all you have been trying for decades. You no longer believe you can live without your favorite D.O.C. Finally, you no longer believe you can motivate yourself to start all over again. For decades I played the game of gaining, losing, and gaining weight repeatedly. I was fed up, ashamed, and ready to give up. What stopped me from quitting on myself? I valued my health too much to give up and I knew there was a solution.
You must find a way to convince yourself that not only can you start all over again, but this time you will succeed. Get a better understanding of the issue and be better able to anticipate potential roadblocks or speed bumps along the way. Have clarity of your healthy or healthier identity, which has the courage and the power to keep moving positively towards your desired goal and outcome. Create the leverage to stay the course this time because you have compelling reasons. Finally, know that only you can change your emotional state in any given moment. Now it is time to decide, “Is weight reduction what you desire most or continued pain, mediocrity, and poor health?”
No one can decide for you. The question, therefore, is how badly you want to succeed in reducing your weight. This is not the time to play games or lie to yourself. You cannot keep eating unhealthily and reduce your weight. You cannot spend most of your waking life being sedentary and be healthy. No matter what you have heard, there is NO QUICK FIX to weight reduction. Realize that somewhere along your journey, you bought one or more of these lies: you are not enough, not capable, or not deserving.
I quote from the Bible, “for as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” That is the power of your thinking. If you think you can’t then you can’t, conversely, if you think you can, you will. I leave you with two questions:
- Do you believe and think that you can reduce your weight this time around and keep it off?
- Why will you succeed this time around?
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