How Frustration Inspired A Different Approach
I was a frustrated and conflicted physician. Helping others, that was all I can ever remember thinking when I decided to pursue a career in medicine. I thought as a physician I would be able to help people and even though I helped thousands of people go through their surgeries safely and was thanked by thousands of patients over the years for making their experience less stressful, I realized I was not really helping at the level to make the greatest impact.
I was not making an impact at the right level
I was not helping people to DECREASE their risk of disease. While there is no denying that genetics play a role in the development of certain diseases, YOUR mindset and lifestyle may play even bigger roles in disease development. This is where I wanted to help, make an impact in their lifestyle choices, so that they would not need me as a physician.
My passion has always been health and fitness and still I was unhealthy. I was unhealthy because of my mindset. This I came to realize is another silent killer. Silent because so many people do not realize their unhealthy mindset is NEGATIVELY impacting their choices and directly their health. Of course, the mindset it not the only cause of an unhealthy lifestyle. One must also examine the condition of their emotional landscape and their daily practices.
I was a physician, realized it, and still it took me years to figure out how to modify my mindset to effect the positive lifestyle changes to get totally healthy in mind, body, and soul. You too can make positive lifestyle changes and believe it or not, it is a simple fix: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
I developed an unconditional love questionnaire, which consists of twenty-five questions. Find out if you are loving yourself unconditionally, take the sample quiz below.
Do you feel a nagging sense of dis-ease?
Do you often think I deserve a treat?
Do you often say “yes” when you already have too much on your plate?
How about this one, are you working in a job that is sucking the life out of you?
Do you wake up most mornings dreading the day?
Do you spend money on things you do not really need, but you want?
Do you feel like something is missing, but you are too afraid to find out what?
Do you keep putting off checking in with your health?
Do you ignore the warnings that your body sends you daily?
And the pièce de résistance, do you have relationships that drain your energy?
You know something has to give and you want to make the change, but you don’t know how, or you just can’t seem to get motivated. Perhaps, you are too busy. If asked, would you choose health or disease, 100% would choose health; yet everyday many people make choices that are not in alignment with their beliefs and values.
We live in a world that encourages instant gratification. I too have fallen into the instant gratification trap. We are after all, pleasure seeking missiles. Pleasure is great and we have all made the “I want it now and blank the consequences” decision. A famous quote that I came across in my lifestyle journey that reiterates my belief and something that I have posted where I can be reminded daily is this, “The first wealth is health” [Ralph Waldo Emerson].
Prioritize your HEALTH daily and reap the benefits of a fulfilled and joyous life. Start by loving yourself unconditionally today and realize that instant gratification is not self-love. Instant gratification is a never-ending trap that keeps you unfulfilled and chronically dissatisfied.
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