We have been given life and were blessed by the coming of Jesus Christ with the ability to live abundantly, when we confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We have been freed from sin; yet many people, myself included, have been living lives of quiet desperation and enslaved by their flesh. We know it is a constant struggle to walk in the spirit, we know this because even the greats in the Bible, gave into the temptation of their fleshly desires. We accept that we can only endeavor to live our best life on earth with the help of the Holy Spirit. One way I find it easier to do this is by being mindful of the 5 C’s. This is my own observation: when we struggle with any of these 5 C’s we get out of spiritual alignment and our total health and quality of life suffer.
You must have the courage to stop and EXAMINE YOUR STORY. I am repeating myself; we cannot resolve the issue if we do not know what is causing it. Furthermore, when you do pause long enough to examine your life, know that it takes courage to be honest enough to admit that something must change. Finally, it takes courage to take the first step towards being the BEST you.
The Bible tells us we have eyes but do not see. This is where many people get tripped up. They lack clarity about their purpose, their strategy, and the consequences of their actions. Furthermore, they fail to realize that they are not living their BEST life, because they have been conned into believing that their comfort zone is the best they can do. Clarity is also needed to understand that you are the only one responsible for the state/condition of your life. If you desire better, know that you are also the only one who can motivate you enough to create the change you desire. It is also important to have a clear vision of what you desire and why.

No matter what you are trying to achieve in life you must make a commitment. It is important to understand that you must be fully committed to what you desire. Without full commitment, you will struggle to stick with your plan/strategy when the going gets bumpy. Being committed helps you to stay focused on your outcome. Finally, when you are fully committed, you will do the work that is required and make the necessary sacrifices to achieve your goal.
If I had not consistently done the work and persevered, I would not have achieved my goal to become a physician. Was it easy? No! However, when you have a goal or outcome that really matters to you on a deep level, you will tap into reserves you did not know you have to be consistent. Consistency is important because change requires repetition. Sporadic effort only causes you to fail and create feelings of doubt, disappointment, and frustration. Learn to be consistent with the small steps if you want big results.
If you do the small things consistently, you will find yourself growing in confidence, which helps you to embrace the new you. Having confidence in your ability and capability helps you to live abundantly. When you are creating feelings of confidence, you will be more likely to do what is necessary for you to maintain the newly developed healthy or healthier lifestyle.
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