4 Things To Seek For Your Spiritual Health

When we seek these four things, we not only benefit our spiritual pillar of health, but we also benefit the other three pillars of health. Interestingly, we are not only to seek these things, but we must find them and apply them in our lives if we desire to live abundantly. Furthermore, this is a daily practice that we foster moment by moment as we make decisions. Our TOTAL HEALTH demands we endeavor in each situation to seek these things.



I hate to break it to you, but God knows the desires of your heart. That is why we must remember to have the right motives and intentions when we act. He also knows your every need, sometimes even before you are aware that the need exists. When we prioritize God’s will in our life, He will reward us with the desires of our hearts. That should be comforting for you to know. We must love the Lord our God with ALL our heart, mind, and soul. This means He comes first in everything we do. Along with seeking His kingdom we are also to seek His righteousness. We are made righteous by His grace when we faithfully obey His will and commands.


Although the Lord is always with us and in us when we confess that He is our Lord and Savior, many people can go about life without consciously seeking God, His will, and strength. We are not our own. We were CREATED for His purpose. If we desire to live abundantly and prosper from His plans, we must seek His will. Furthermore, we will need His strength to run the race that has been set before us. We will also need His strength to overcome the temptations of our flesh, the world, and the devil. Although we have a spirit of power and love, many believers are not living in a state or acting from a place of power and love. Instead, they often exist in a chronically weakened and fearful state. This is not a call to be prideful or arrogant, rather it is a realization that you can be bold and confident in your actions that honor and glorify God.


Like fear, so many people who do not know the truth are living enslaved by their flesh. I confess, I was one of those people and even today, I must be mindful about the choices I make. If you are struggling with excess weight, it is important to realize that the flesh may be driving your actions. You cannot walk in the flesh and the spirit at the same time. Furthermore, the flesh is sinful and will never be satisfied. When we walk in the spirit, we are free from our enslavement to the flesh. We consistently make the right and healthy choices that incorporate self-control, patience, moderation, and love. Love of self is important if we desire to be totally healthy.


The primary source of wisdom is God. Seek wisdom in prayer and in the Word. Wisdom must be something that you desire for we know that sound judgment is required if we are to walk the righteous path that God has predestined for each of us. Gain knowledge about God and what it means to be a child of God. Understand and apply that knowledge in your life, that is wisdom. Note you cannot be wise without being knowledgeable; however, you can have knowledge and not be wise.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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