
4 Ways Fear Destroys The Quality Of Your Health And Life

I have often heard that hate is the opposite of love; however, over time, I have come to realize that hate is a manifestation of fear. We are full of H.A.T.E. when we are empty of love is true, but that hate is there because we fear. We tend to hate what we fear.



Remember the last time you felt afraid, what happened? Your thoughts were scrambled, and you could not think clearly. Often when we fear, we do not fear that something good is going to happen, we are afraid because we believe and THINK that something bad is going to happen. Immediately following that thought, may be the thought that you cannot cope or will not be able to cope. All this thinking, which often has nothing to do with truth, reality, or love starts the cascade where the next step is you feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or panicked. Fear pushes out love, and in the absence of love there is a whole lot of doubt. You doubt not only your ability, but you also doubt God. The result of fear is that you are not living in abundance.


That JOPECO level that you always hear me talking about decreases in the face of fear. It is quite easy to understand how fear stifles your joy, peace, and contentment. Again, think of the last time you felt fear or was afraid. You were not feeling joyful and content and there was certainly no peace. You were on edge, scared, restless, irritable, anxious, edgy, or insert whatever you were feeling. This was due in part to the chemicals released in your body the more you allowed your cloudy thoughts to dominate your mind. A fearful emotional state taints how you view the world and causes you to exist in a life centered on gloom and pessimism. Fear comes to steal your joy and destroy your peace and contentment.


You act first and then think later, which is often too late because you have already acted in a way that is not conducive to your total health. Then to compound the situation, you gained pleasure from your action, which causes you to repeat the action. Your action offers temporary relief or distracts you from the pain and distress of your emotional or spiritual state. Unfortunately, with time, that action becomes a destructive habit that you must change if you desire to be totally healthy. Furthermore, you can often be indecisive or procrastinate because of fear, which causes your quality of life to spiral downward.


God has plans to prosper His children; however, if you are afraid to step out in love, you are not going to achieve the goals He has in mind for you. Stepping out of your comfort zone is required for change or to achieve any goal. You are so convinced that you will not be able to cope or are not deserving that you remain in the status quo. Sadly, time goes by, and you begin to realize that this is not living abundantly; however, instead of stepping out in confidence and love, you hesitate in fear, paralyzed in your comfort zone.

Paralyzed in fear in your comfort zone


Fear is an illusion. It is an illusion because love, God, has already overcome and conquered fear; thus, there is no fear. Perfect love casts out fear. Fill your heart, mind, and soul with love. Accept the love that God has so generously offered to you and start living abundantly today.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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