Have You Ever Wondered What Is The Purpose Of Trials?

I go back to when I was ten years old and life as I knew it ended abruptly. I remember quite clearly asking God why do I need to go through this. Remember at the age of ten, I did not have the cognitive ability to really process philosophical and spiritual concepts. I knew nothing and did not understand that God was always present with me and would get me through this drastic time in my life.



They say hindsight has twenty-twenty vision. However, it serves a purpose to sometimes look back with an open heart and mind. Looking back, I perceived that my trials and tribulations from the age of ten to fourteen were essential for my spiritual and personal growth. Now, I see trials from a Christian perspective. Frankly, if I did not, I would lose my mind. We can as children of God cope better with life’s trials and tribulations.


Trials are a part of the natural path of earthly life. They are either what we reap from the choices we have made along our journey, or they are allowed by God to test and grow us. Many people often ask why God would allow us to suffer if He is a loving God. While not all suffering is the result of our sinful acts and disobedience, you must always EXAMINE YOUR STORY. When I am going through a valley, I often reflect on the story of Job. God will sometimes allow trials to test your faith, to teach you, and to grow you up in faith. When we go through trials with the right or healthy attitude, we will maintain a healthy jopeco level, which will allow us to come out on the other side stronger spiritually and even physically.


The other thing I have learned is that I can practice detachment. Detachment does not mean you do not care, rather it is accepting that there are a lot of things we do not have control of in this world. Contrary to popular belief, our idea of control is an illusion. In any given moment there are some things we have control of; however, consider for a moment that you do not really have control and that you are being manipulated. Thus, it is always important to practice mindful or sacred pauses before you act. Is this action the result of beliefs that are grounded in truth and love or is this action the result of my manipulation by other forces? Now, before you start wondering is she crazy, come to realize that when we behave in ways that are not conducive to our total health, there must be other forces at work that have deceived us into believing things that have no basis in love and truth. When we believe in love, we know that all things will work out as they were meant to. Thus, we can detach emotionally from the result. It is as it should be.


Faith is believing in things not seen. It is trusting that God will ultimately work everything out for the good. Knowing that our provider is a loving God, we keep the faith that this too shall pass. Furthermore, we ask with humility, “What is the lesson I need to learn?” Perhaps you have been a poor steward of the gift(s) that God have given you, maybe you have willfully been disobedient to God’s will, or perhaps it is simply God’s will


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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