We love our comfort zone because it is a place of certainty. It is the one place we believe we can have total control. Therein lies the rub, even in our comfort zone there is not total control because the world will always intrude. Thus, the lessons we need to take from this is that there will always be trials and tribulations and there are no guarantees about what is happening next. However, we can STILL maintain our joy, peace, and contentment.
As Christians, we are told not to be conformed to this world. We are in this world, but not of this world. In essence, practice mindfulness. Observe without judgment and criticism. Then when you DECIDE to act, for you have free will, choose to act from a STATE of abundance. Be generous in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Be loving in your thoughts, words, and deeds. No, I am not a saint; however, I have come to realize that living from and in a state of abundance allows me to be at peace. It allows me to accept, detach, and be content. I let go of the outcomes and results. When I know that I act from a place that honors and glorifies Jesus Christ, I can be at peace. I trust Him to manage the rest. I do as I was commanded, to love my neighbors as I love myself. This in no way implies I am a doormat; it implies that I know my value and worth can never be destroyed or diminished. Each of us has been given everything we NEED to live abundantly. Shift your focus from the problem to LOVE.
I did not get to this state overnight. In fact, I am still a work in progress; however, every day in every way, I am getting better and better. I know I was happy and then for decades I was UNHAPPY. There was a constant dis-ease that I could not understand. I did not understand until I started to meditate daily on the WORD. I started to L.O.V.E. I started to LIVE with an OPEN heart, mind, and soul, and slowly but surely, I was VICTORIOUS because I was and am EMPOWERED by love. We get to this state when we are in complete spiritual alignment with God’s will for our lives. Do you know God’s will for your life? I may not know His specific plans, but I know His will for my life. That is how I maintain my peace. That is how I can be certain that all is well with my soul. Then you simply trust Him.
I struggled. There is no other way to say or put it. I struggled because I did not understand, and I lacked knowledge. I was IGNORANT of the facts and the truth. Therefore, I doubted. Doubt is a tool of the devil, designed to distract you from the truth so that you can be easily manipulated by lies. I will admit I believed the lies for decades. Unfortunately, so many Christians are not living abundantly because they are believing the lies, or they do not know the truth. You are LOVED beyond measure by your Heavenly Father. This DOES NOT MEAN that there will never be trials and tribulations along your journey. Know that no matter what it looks or feels like, you are NEVER alone, and you will be strengthened to run the race set before you and claim the ultimate victory in the end.
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