After 30 years of medical practice, interacting with THOUSANDS of patients and my own life experiences [struggling to lose weight and find daily peace and satisfaction], I realized that HUMANS ARE PLEASURE SEEKING MISSILES.
Left to our own devices, we will pursue PLEASURE to the destruction of our TOTAL HEALTH.
It is a wholistic approach that is specifically grounded in FAITH and LOVE, which advocates health in 4 distinct pillars [SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL, FINANCIAL, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL (EMOTIONAL & MENTAL)].
I approach health with the UNDERSTANDING that SPIRITUAL ALIGNMENT [having a strong spiritual foundation], is the ONLY WAY to be totally healthy in mind, body, and soul.
TOTAL HEALTH is a state of OPTIMAL HEALTH, which results in maximum joy, peace, and contentment daily, as a result of living abundantly; and it’s available to you with The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach.
When you are totally healthy – in mind, body, and soul – you are living at your highest JPC level (aka: jopeco level, which means highest level of joy, peace, and contentment daily) because you are fully aligned spiritually with God’s will for your life.
In 2018 after a particularly embarrassing incident, I decided that I could not continue like this. The emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial tolls were destroying my jopeco level and I was “very dissatisfied with my life.”
My spiritual and psychological health were a mess. The mess was reflected in my mindset, attitude, and daily practices (aka: habits), and it was negatively impacting my physical health [I was overweight]. In other words folks, the M.A.P. I was using was leading me in an unhealthy direction and I needed a properly functioning G.P.S as well.
One day on my knees, I cried out to God: “Where is the abundant life you promised?”
I had to gain clarity, get in spiritual alignment to REDISCOVER my-SELF. I did, and I lost 60 pounds; however, that’s not the end of my story, because I have a mission and purpose to fulfill.
I am devotedly committed to my purpose to be the healer I was created to be. Using my thirty years as a physician and my life experiences, I created The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach to empower you to live abundantly and be totally healthy.
Let me help you gain clarity on what’s blocking your alignment, develop an accepting mindset, and unleash the power within you.
Learn more about me and the unique approach that I use to help you become the best you possible—book your clarity gaining session today to take the next step on your TOTAL HEALTH journey.
I'm located in New York City, but support clients worldwide!
Get in touch to learn more.