When you live in the state of love, you will always be fulfilled. Learn how love strengthens and positively impacts your total health.
total health
Tree Pruning: A New Perspective on Total Health
Do you know your why? Do you understand how that impacts your total health and quality of life? Learn how to reshape your story, get a better map, be totally healthy and live abundantly.
How To Stay Positive In The Midst Of This Pandemic
In this article I share how you can cope with a positive attitude during this pandemic. Learn how to clean out the mess and confusion and practice consistently your daily healthy self-care routine.
Your Unhealthy MAP Prevents You From Losing Weight
Are you using the right MAP to get to your destination? In this article, learn why the right directions [MAP] are important for your happiness, weight loss, and total health.
Do You Really Want To Be Healthy?
In this article, I share why being your ideal weight does not make you healthy.